欧洲杯揭幕战·(中国)官方网站-2024App Station

DataSheet Download

图片关键词AB155T DataSheet.pdf

Key Features

High performance 32bit RISC-V processor Core with DSP instruction 

Maximum 160MHz operating frequency; 

Internal 20KB RAM for data and program; 8K cache; 

Support program encryption; 

Musical Instrument Digital Interface(MIDI); 

10-bit SAR ADC x10; 

0.5 watt Class-D audio amplifier output;

Built in PMU; capless LDOs; LDO; 

Watch Dog x1; 

Frequency detector; 

16-bit Timer x3; 

Hardware Cap-sense Touch Key x14; 

Master/Slave SPI x2; 

Master/Slave IIC x1; 

Normal UART x1; High Speed UART with CTS/RTS x1; 

Timer2 PWM channel x2; PWM output channel x4; PWM timer capture channel x4 

SD Card Host controller x1; 

RC Clock frequency;


Toys for Children 

Audio playing toys

  • CPU: RISC-V + DSP扩展 (160MHz)
  • 封装: SSOP24
  • 蓝牙协议:
  • Flash:
  • 内置充电: 支持
  • DAC:
  • ADC: 单声道
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